Entries by Tzvi Goldstein

Yagilu Roll Call, Starting With!

One of the first things on the agenda every session in Yagilu is to set up a roll call. Each camper gets a number that will be theirs for the rest of the summer. To make sure everyone is with us before starting an activity or discussion, the head counselor announces: “Yagilu Roll Call, starting […]

Rubber Chickens and Pool Noodles

10 reasons why I like hanging out with other facilitators (especially Yagilu counselors): 1.They own rubber chickens and know what to do with them. 2. Brainstorming activity ideas for facilitating a challenging group can happen instantly. 3. No one looks at you weird when you walk down the hallway of a convention center carrying 27 […]

Y-Alumni: Yosef Gillers

Who are you? I’m originally from Newton, MA, and now we live in Englewood, NJ. My wife Sara is an RN, and our daughter Zeva is 2 years old. I went to Maimonides from K-12, then learned in Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh in Yerushalayim.  I earned my BA in Environmental Studies from Washington University in St. […]

Don’t Just Break the Ice, Shatter It With This Game:

Speedball Speedball is a fun, active icebreaker game. When played right, it can lead to a terrific finale and a productive debrief. Through the game, participants are encouraged to share creative ideas and work together to accomplish a shared goal. At the same time, the fun element keeps things loose and low pressure, creating a […]

The Most Important Part of Every Event, Part 2

This is the second part of our post on leading a productive and successful debrief. You can find Part 1 here. Debrief Stage 2: So What? After warming up the group and jogging their memories with the What stage, you transition to the So What stage. Basically, you’re asking, “What was significant about some part […]

The Most Important Part of Every Event, Part 1

Do you run incredible programs, get rave reviews, and make sure everyone has an awesome time? Of course you do. But if you’re looking for your group games, activities, and events to have long-term impact, you NEED to debrief after the event. What is a debrief, why are they so important, and how can you […]

Y-Alumni: Rabbi Netanel Goldstein

Welcome to a new division of Yagilu (and a new feature on the blog): Y-Alumni! Every so often, we’re going to feature alumni who have taken what they gained from Yagilu into whatever they’re working on.  _____________________________________________________ Who are you? My name is Netanel Goldstein, originally  from Chicago, IL. My wife’s name is Sarah, we […]