First Day FAQ’s

Here are the questions we get all the time on the first day of camp…

1) Where are the bunks?

You see those huge tents over there? That’s where you’ll be sleeping for the month! Inside, it’s comfortable and spacious; you’ll have a bed and room for all the stuff you brought. You’ll get used to the sounds of the forest putting you to sleep at night. In fact, you’ll miss it when you get home after the summer!

2) Where are we supposed to sit down? 

Wherever you feel comfortable. Rocks, logs, and even the ground are all options for finding a comfortable place to sit. In fact, you’ll see beautiful couches in our living room area. While they might look like tree trunks to you, you’ll find that they’re just as comfortable as your sofa back home. 

3) Where do we go if it rains?

We all run inside…to get our rain jackets, and then come right back outside! As long as it’s safe to be out, we don’t let the rain stop us. No one ever melted from getting wet. We show ourselves that we can have fun and accomplish our goals no matter what the challenges are, and that includes the weather. Rain dances, mudsliding, and spalooshing are all on the schedule during a rainstorm, so don’t miss out huddled inside a tent!

4) Do we (Y1) really go on a two-day hike? I’ve never walked more than 2 miles in my life…

Yes, the 2-day hike is real. For many campers, it’s a highlight of the summer, eclipsed only by the 3-day hike! But don’t worry, almost none of the campers have ever gone on a hike this long before. We’ll explain everything you need to know, including how and what to pack and how to prepare yourself. By the time you’re done here, you’ll know enough to lead your entire family on a hike along with you.

5) When are we playing basketball?

Classic sports don’t get much playing time in Yagilu. As a wilderness camp, we try to focus on experiences that you just won’t find anywhere else! Of course, there are open periods where you’ll have time to hit the courts, but it won’t be in the daily schedule. Instead, look forward to mastering a skill you never even thought you’d be able to do, like whittle with a knife or build a fire. There’s no limit to the new experiences in Yagilu – so let’s save the basketball and baseball for the other 10 months of the year.

6) Why can’t we have our phones in camp?

Technology has done some incredibly helpful things for humanity. At the same time, it’s become a black hole that constantly sucks in all of our attention. Even when we’re not using our phones, we’re still thinking about whose feed we need to check up on, which game we want to get the scores from, which friends to WhatsApp the latest news to. By disconnecting, we get a unique chance to be fully present with everyone around you. We get to focus on the things we’re doing and the people we’re with in a way we haven’t done in a long time. Many campers have told us that not having their phones was the hardest part about the beginning of camp, and  the thing they appreciated the most by the end.

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