Yagilu offers a safe and adventurous summer, where the boys can enjoy the calm and inspiration of the forest. In Yagilu, campers open up to the wonders of Hashem’s natural world, and learn to appreciate their place in it. Highlights include gratifying hikes with astonishing views, meaningful Shabbos davening and dancing, and different trips (these change every year and have included white water rafting, caving and rock climbing trips). The campers also learn Mountain Torah – a unique way of learning halacha through all of our activities.
The camp adventures begin in our camp site in the mountains, where the campers spend most of the summer. There the campers get to enjoy traditional camp comforts, like sleeping in a bunk house on a bed, and three hot, delicious and nutritious meals in our dining room. The activities are where the wilderness survival experience begins!
We also have learning every day, including Perek Shira following davening, and an hour shiur in the morning, including hike days. Additionally, almost all of the daily activities are presented in a Torah context. Shabbos too is a very important time in Yagilu. Many campers credit Yagilu with opening them up to appreciating Shabbos in a deeper way.
Campers will learn skills such as …
Yagilu encourages character development and understanding, growth in commitment to Torah and mitzvos, and promotes a healthy and organic attitude towards davening. Yagilu campers learn hands on leadership, learn to work together with others, make great friendships, and gain tremendous confidence through their successful adventures!